Thursday, 6 March 2014

RRaW Week 1 Thursday 28th February Exercise 2b

I feel the warmth beneath the thermal sun and the smooth and carefully woven blanket.
The wind blowing briefly against my face.
I sit on the native plants of pacific, alone with only my cat.
He sits on my lap comfortably, purring as i pat him softly while he enjoys the warming sun.
The sweet smell of Gardenias surround us and the loud non-stop alarm from the crow of the roosters linger somewhere in the background.
This blanket is a traditional symbol in my culture, and it is a creation of my own, the patterns and colours were steadily chosen and constructed.
This is a part of my culture that i am very passionate about, and i was taught when i was very young .
Now i am old, i still carry the knowledge from my ancestors.
Old women from my island like me, with grey hair, brown stretched skin, weave these traditional blankets for our families and special occasions.
My culture is part of my identity and it is my way of life

1 comment:

  1. I found this text very descriptive and understandable. What i found interesting about this text was the relationship it has with your cultural background. There was nothing unsatisfying about this text, although there could me more added for example being specific about "your" background or what you remember from your experience with this blanket.
