Monday 24 March 2014

Core Skills (Rebecca Hobbs) Lens : More Research

These are photos from the internet that i have selected basically for the variation of colours that the photographers have used.

Flour Girl, The Works Studio
This photo looks like its a silvery gold colour or Sepia

I watched this on one of the tutorials that i have linked in previous researches, and the photographer used the gradient tool in Photoshop to change the colour of the flour

Flour me, Richard Vantielcke, 17/07/2011
I chose this photo because the photographer chose a white background, which is slightly camouflaged into the flour of the models face but you can still tell that it is a face

Luco Pierro, 100 Self Portraits, 2010-2014
This photo really interested me because of the shapes that the contrast of the flour and the black background of the room gives the viewer, in this photo i can see a persons face but then i almost see a skeleton from the eyes, cheek bone, and the nose.

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