Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Rraw: 5 Image Critiques

Eddie Adams, Vietnam Execution, 1968
The image is black and white; there are of Asian descent, there are buildings in the background. And you can see I some trees on the left hand side.  there are 4 men in the picture. The two main men in the image are wearing raggedy clothes and the other two on the outsides of them are wearing army like clothes.
The first man on the right is running toward the shooter who is the second person, who is side on and is facing his back toward the camera, the third person who is the person who is getting shot is facing the camera and the last person is running to something that isn’t in the image. I can hear a gun shot echoing, in shots in the background, screaming, Asian language, and a little bit of wind. I can smell gunpowder, blood and dead bodies, and I can smell dust. I feel frightened, horrified, scared and shocked.
This image reminds me of the film Schindler’s List because the film is black and white. It looks like Eddie Adams took this photo just as the bullet entered his head just looking at the facials. The story that I receive from this image is that he is getting shot because he got caught doing something wrong. Or maybe he wasn’t a very good worker in his job. But from the Internet I found out that he was actually prisoner, so now I thinking that he was summoned to death? 
A issue that I have with this image is that he gets shot and probably died out in public in front of people, and was probably left to die there. 

Alex Grey, Not of being

I see a red face in the middle that has a crown like headpiece that connected to its face. There are more of these red faces on both sides that look exactly the same but the gradually become lighter the “further” into the image. The faces that are the darkest red in the picture have blue squares with white spirals in them all over the body. It also has green eyes. There are also spiky patterns that travel around the eyes and on the nose. I feel slimy, hot, confused, and it makes my head sore. I can hear nothing, a room of silence. I can smell, I’m not sure, Aliens? What do aliens smell like? I can taste vomit, and rough rocks.
The shape of its head reminds me of a medusa, or Indian gods, or Egyptian queens. The colours remind me of neon lights among a pool of blood, or tomato sauce. It also kind of reminds me of the movie Hell boy because of the redness. It makes me wonder wether if we were to look at this from another angle would there be more faces? Also makes me wonder wether these creatures are good or bad ?
Ansel Adam, Jeffery Pine- Sentinel Dome, California
This is an image by Ansel Adams, there is dramatically lob sided tree that leans to the right hand side. The image is black and white. There are light coloured, large rocks that sit beneath the tree. There are mountains that have white on the top of them in the background and there are shadows on the rocks from the tree. I can hear and I can feel that it’s a bit wind, and it is also sunny.
This image reminds me of a tree that I saw in Niue, it was very lob sided and to the right hand side as well. And for some reason it reminds me of Lion King, near the end when the trees of the pride land and all bare and dark. It makes me wonder where this photo was taken because I get the feel that it’s windy and sunny at the same time, but then the background has snowy mountains.
Because the tree is really slanted I figuring that there must have been a really bad storm that caused the tree to bend so much. Or maybe kids always swing on the branches, which have made it bend. To me there isn’t a issue that is raised when I look at this image.

Mike Giant, Lotus Girl

I see a black and white image, with a lady in the middle. At the back of the lady there is a circle object and on the lady there are many drawings, She has roses on knees and upper arm and the sides of her stomach, eyes on her nipples with a 2 and 3 above them, in between her breast the are two triangles, one onto of each other. And a number 8 on her navel, two snakes on both legs. And Lastly, just on her chest and below her breast there is some kind of writing. I feel like I am meditating, and I feel very old. I can hear humming and flickering candles. I can taste Mentos lollies or mints on my tongue. I can smell beautiful oils. The circle object in the back reminds me of a stirring wheel that you would find on a ship. The lady had a halo type object around her head and this reminds me of pictures that you see of Jesus. The drawings and writings that she has on her arms are like the tattoos that you see on people these days. The writing on her chest reminds kind of like old English writing and mix of Arabic writing.  I wonder what all these writings and drawings symbolise, and why they are position were they are positioned. Why does she have to be naked? Maybe she is a tattoo god? An issue that arises when I look at this picture is why does she have a halo around her head? 
Man Ray, 1936, The lovers

I see a black and white image. I see a spilt running across the image; the lips are as big as the sky, which is placed in the sky. Black mountains or cliffs, and a grey lake. A naked body lying on the bank of the lake. And a chest board in the bottom left corner. There are clouds in the sky. This image gives me a olden day sense because of the black and white. I actually don’t know how this image makes me feel.  I can someone speaking very loud in my ear, in some other language. I feel like the world is spinning fast and the sky is moving from night to day quickly and it makes me dizzy. The skinny lips look like female lips because they’re quite thin. The grey lake looks like a icy lake because there is no movement. Overall the image gives me a awkward, juxtaposition feeling. I wonder why they put the lips in the sky and why they put it that big, what is the meaning? 

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