Monday 26 May 2014

Lens: Depth of field/focus

Deep focus is a photographic and cinematographic technique using a large depth of field. Depth of field is the front-to-back range of focus in an image — that is, how much of it appears sharp and clear. Consequently, in deep focus the foreground, middle-ground and background are all in focus. This can be achieved through use of the hyperfocal distance of the camera lens.
This picture is really interesting because, the foreground and the background is in focus, and the mid-ground is blurry
This picture captures the characters in the background rushing in the room and the foreground of the cup and medicine bottle to stress the emotions, to me it looks like the women in the mid-ground has dose her self with maybe some type of poison and the men are rushing in to stop her, or help her, but it also looks like the not quick enough. 

This still shows all three sections of the scene, it shows the distance of the two characters, it also gives me a mysterious effect because you cant really see the person in the background 

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