Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Object: 30 images (people wearing paper)

This one is my most favourite one because i have done an extension on my spine but this is two things in one, a spine, and almost like a 

Lens: Experimenting and evaluation

This was one of the experiments that i done with PatiMy mistakes where that i didnt check to see if he was actually in the frame, which resulted with half of his head being chopped off. My next experiment will be based on head space

Monday, 26 May 2014

Lens: More Research

This Video has a kind of emotional touch to it, to me its because of the music. The music really connect with the persons facial expression.
I could maybe use that as a tip when i'm putting my audio in because its really effective

Lens: Research

This Video is more interesting because of the techniques that he uses to film objects, i spotted quite a lot of panning, tilting, racking focus, and zooming in.
It was pretty plain, but it gives you what you want from a self-portrait, the details, hobbies etc of the person. i could use the zooming in and racking focus because it makes objects relate to each other, in my opinion

Lens: Research

This video is just a fun, surface research video that i found cool, it looks like she used heaps and heaps of pictures and put it together on a sequence

Lens: Hitchcock and me and pati's experiments

From this Experiment i could maybe work on my com-positioning and use the head room tip
i like the lighting from the experiment though

Lens: Walking Sequence

This is the pan, tilt, track, dolly in and out, credits, soundtrack, transitions, and fade in and out

Lens: Hitchcock vs. Pati watching Maury lol

Lens: Zoom Shot

The effect is achieved by zooming a zoom lens to adjust the angle of view(often referred to as field of view or FOV) while the camera dollies moves towards or away from the subject in such a way as to keep the subject the same size in the frame throughout.
Skip to 0:40secs

Lens: Racking Focus

rack focus in filmmaking and television production is the practice of changing the focus of the lens during a shot. 
Basically Zooming, focusing on one object then another, shows the both objects in the scene are important and that they sometimes can have a connection

Lens: Shallow Focus

Shallow focus is a photographic and cinematographic technique incorporating a small depth of field. In shallow focus one plane of the image is in focus while the rest is out of focus. Shallow focus is typically used to emphasize one part of the image over another. Photographers sometimes refer to the aesthetic character of the area that is out of focus as bokeh.

In this Image the man in the background is in focus and the man in the foreground is blurred, this is really interesting because this is also a low angle shot and slightly a dutch angle. I can see that the foreground actor is the inferior object  and the background is the superior character, i think that the background character is no blurred so that the facial expressions are really stressed

Lens: Depth of field/focus

Deep focus is a photographic and cinematographic technique using a large depth of field. Depth of field is the front-to-back range of focus in an image — that is, how much of it appears sharp and clear. Consequently, in deep focus the foreground, middle-ground and background are all in focus. This can be achieved through use of the hyperfocal distance of the camera lens.
This picture is really interesting because, the foreground and the background is in focus, and the mid-ground is blurry
This picture captures the characters in the background rushing in the room and the foreground of the cup and medicine bottle to stress the emotions, to me it looks like the women in the mid-ground has dose her self with maybe some type of poison and the men are rushing in to stop her, or help her, but it also looks like the not quick enough. 

This still shows all three sections of the scene, it shows the distance of the two characters, it also gives me a mysterious effect because you cant really see the person in the background 

Lens: Head Room, Nose Room

Talks about Head room first which is the amount of space between the top of the actors head and the top of the frame
Nose Room or Lead room is basically the space in front of the subject in the direction or the moving or still subject.

Lens: High and Low Angle (Scrubs Video)

a low angle can be used to emphasise somebody's power
a high angle can be used to stress how a person feels, like isolation, lonely, inferiority

Lens: Rebecca Hobbs

Very basic tutorial about panning and tilting

New techniques and the note i wrote :
there were 20 different techniques:
1. Doggicam
captures the surrounding similar to a pan but going around 360
2. Tracking shot
kind of shows a POV and also a little of the scene
the feeling of moving with the actors, walking with the characters, shows the surroundings swell, sort of connects with the pace of the actors and shows the intensity of the scene.
4. Extreme Establishing Shot
Sets the environment, theme, culture etc
5. Establishing shot
also sets the environment, scene etc
6. Pan
Sets the scene
7. Low Angle Shot
Gives the subject in the frame power, or supremacy
8. Crane up
captures some info, and is sometimes used to overlook a scene from a high point of view
9. Dutch Angle
a Mix of Extreme close ups with the camera on an angle
10. Frantic Zoom
Zooms very quickly
gives a point of view
12. Special effects
really weird, looks like they used a moving room
13. Slow Motion
Really slow but really effective
14. Panorama Travelling
Almost like tracking
15. Horizontal Panning
Mixture of panning and tilting
16. High Angle, Tilt, Slow Motion
My heart dropped, its like looking down from a tall building or a birds eye view
17. Cut
a sudden stop and  change to another frame
18. Spin
Camera moving around in a circle
19. Limitless Zoom
very cool, zoom zoom zoom zoom
20. Camera Split
One scene become two of the same scene but different depending

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Object : 3D Visual Language

John Robinson, Creation, 4x4m, Redwood Plank

Yuouski Oishi, Reverse of Volume RG, translucent sheets and black glue gun

Jason deCaires Taylor, Coral Underwater Sculpture, 31 May 2011

Richard Jackson. Bad Dog, February 17- May 5 2013

Time/ Movement
Peter Jansen, Runner, Chrome/Bronze, 2007

Rick Carpenter, Cen Copy, Found Steal, 18x18x18

Sir Anthony Caro, Erl King, 400kg

Manuel Garcia Calderon, Human Balance, 2002, iron, 169x96x107cm

Rob Mulholland Vestige, Stainless steal